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Hình ảnh đặc trưng Vivaldi Technologies Hình ảnh đặc trưng Vivaldi Technologies
Biểu tượng Vivaldi Technologies

Vivaldi Technologies

Vivaldi Technologies is the company behind the Vivaldi web browser, founded in 2013 by Jon von Tetzchner, a co-founder of Opera. Vivaldi is known for its extensive customization options and privacy features, appealing to power users who seek control over their browsing experience. The browser allows users to personalize almost every aspect, including themes, tab placement, and shortcuts. It also includes unique features like tab stacking and built-in tools for note-taking and screenshotting.

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Biểu tượng Vivaldi
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Biểu tượng Vivaldi
40.7 k tải xuống

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Biểu tượng Vivaldi
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