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Hình ảnh đặc trưng Tencent PUBG Hình ảnh đặc trưng Tencent PUBG
Biểu tượng Tencent PUBG

Tencent PUBG

PUBG (PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds) is a battle royale video game developed by PUBG Corporation, a subsidiary of Krafton Inc., released in 2017. In the game, players are dropped onto an island where they must search for weapons and supplies to eliminate other competitors. At the same time, the playable area gradually shrinks, with the last player standing being the winner. It is available on multiple platforms, including PC, consoles, and mobile devices. Through its Lightspeed & Quantum Studio subsidiary, Tencent was responsible for developing the successful mobile version, PUBG Mobile, which greatly expanded the game's global popularity, especially in Asia.

Ứng dụng hàng đầu

Hình ảnh đặc trưng PUBG MOBILE LITE
Chơi PUBG Mobile trên các thiết bị cấu hình thấp
217.6 M tải xuống
Biểu tượng PUBG MOBILE
Phiên bản Android của tựa game chiến đấu nổi tiếng
219.5 M tải xuống